Tasya Van Ree is a Los Angeles based photographer and artist. Her evocative work speaks to the subtleties of human experience and transitory nature. In addition to her solo exhibitions, her work has appeared in exhibitions alongside David Lynch, Jessica Lange, Gus van Sant, and Amy Arbus.
Above her unstoppable creative aptitude, her sweetness reigns supreme. We met Tasya in her home to be greeted by her adorable, elderly dog, Kiki, whose paws ticked across the hardwood. Tasya holds an aura of relaxed inspiration that is especially nourishing to be around. It’s this unfiltered power that allows for the rawness of her artwork.
How did you get into photography and art?
I needed an outlet for my imagination.
If you were forced to give up one of your five senses, which one would you choose? Why?
I don't think I could choose. I'd have to have one be take away at random.
What is your current favorite song?
Today it's "Flood" by Makana on the album "Venus And The Sky Turns To Clay."
If you could rid the world of one fear, what fear would it be? Why?
Fear of Death. There's always a beginning to an end.
If you could live forever on earth, would you choose to do so? Explain.
I don't think so. I want to be able to travel into other dimensions as pure energy once this life is complete.
What are your favorite places in LA?
Alfred in the Alley for their Nitro Cold Brew and Zenbunni Rabbit Hole for their biodynamic chocolate. I live on coffee and chocolate.
If you could look into the future to find out one thing, what would you want to know?
How to bend or warp space-time.
Where's your favorite place to go when you want to be alone? Why?
To the ocean. There's a familiarity that I truly connect with.
If you knew the world was going to end tomorrow, what would you want to do today?
Fall in love.
What's one book you recommend and why?
The Dictionary. It contains a verbal representation of everything that exists in the world.
Why are we here?
To enjoy this existence in human form.