By: Sima Morrison
A lot of us have been feeling all kinds of feels the past few months. A feeling of discomfort, doubt, instability, anxiety and even depression has been coming in our field. As humans we feel things, those feeling are what makes us sensitive, loving and compassionate. Feelings are good, we want to have feelings, just manage them the most optimal way.
On this planet right now we are dealing with all kinds of intensities of the collective consciousness. Distress with the media, state of our planet, human rights, climate change, and a lack of awareness from leaders in governments. These times are bringing up fear and insecurity and with that come the layers of emotions that may manifest helplessness.
The full moon brings many of those insecurities to the surface, for what though…because we must process our vulnerability. The acceptance of those feelings is really what must be acknowledged. We often distract ourselves from the reality of our shadow and jump in a non-productive conversation to deflect, hit the gym, drink, jump in a new relationship, over eat and indulge in many other oblivious activities that numb the true essence of our being.
Do not feel alone; most of us, conscious or unconscious are experiencing this right now. Please give yourself allowance to feel and accept these intensities and know that there is ease when you fully accept in that moment. Everything in life is impermanent and this too, shall pass.
Sima Morrison, founder of House of Citrine, is a vibrant soul with a potent zest for life and the beauty in its simple pleasures. As a holistic nutritionist, Sima has made it her life's journey to experience, to empower, and to explore the synergy between the mind and the body. She manifests her vision through her online journal, designing recipes and cultivating conversation in the sharing of health, wellness, and inspiration. Sima lives with an open heart and views being in service to others as her most important calling, practicing compassion and helping people to heal past trauma. She is a certified Kundalini yoga instructor and meditation facilitator.