By: Shanna Lynn
The concept of working with crystals is fairly mainstream these days. Many a hotel lobby boasts shiny giants of Quartz structures while trendy fashion shops have a dizzying array of sacred geometry and crystal infused jewelry adorning their walls (and, they hope, your neck and ears). Even the beloved Target (“Tar-jay, n'est pas?”) offers its followers the Little Box of CRYSTALS and Gems. While most of us are aware of the basics, (cleanse and charge, wear or hold, leave out on display or grid the house,) the idea, the raw basics of the truth of crystal “play” seem to be quietly shushed to the index of books that have little hope of being resurrected in podcast form.
Shushed, no more, we cry! The world of crystals is an amazing anomaly of oxymoron: an intricately-simple, natural-magic and physical-metaphysical opportunity to realize the authenticity of our true selves. They hold the teachings that we are a part of creating. They offer themselves as sacred trail-markers for us to scatter as we journey this planet, uncovering our sacred empowered self. One of the most powerful stones to help one clear and realign in order to rebuild and truly create the world of one’s dreams is the beautiful Carnelian.
Vibrating at the number 5, (the sacred number of the union of elements, the odd and even, and the symbolic number of the Nature) Carnelian comes to us with the promise of balance, the awakening of talent and the renewed energy for our true passions. Her fiery, compassionate heart beats with the magnitude of the Sun and her trigonal being encompasses over 80% of the Orange Light Frequency for our Planet.
Carnelian, in her beauty of red, orange and brown tints, reminds us that the physical realm is just as important as the metaphysical. Spiritual working can be overly focused on the intangible realm, creating a disconnect with our physical bodies. Physical working can too, in the guise of poor diet, unhealthy environments and unhealthy habits. Carnelian resonates with the focus of not only mental prowess, but also of focusing on the act of self-care by appreciating and strengthening our earthly frame, which is the temple that houses our spirit. Carnelian helps activate the lower chakras (root, sacral and solar plexus) allowing us to be assertive and vital in our physical bodies. When our physical existence is vibrant, our system will be flooded with confidence and assertive energies. We not only take the risk, we know there is no failure. There is only experiences and all is appropriate and good.
Human beings are inherently magical creatures. We represent and carry the sacred union of all that IS in our forms. We are able to walk both the earthly and spiritual realm (a concept the Roman architect, Vitruvius, taught and later Leonardo Da’Vinci sketched). Crystals are tangible gifts of the Nature to help us stay true to the magic that we are. Carnelian is the sacred seed that vibrates in anticipation of all that is joyous possibility! She connects us to our creative embers and allows us to connect all that we are to others. Bearing the seal of the Sun, Carnelian holds the fertility associated with this bright star. Integrating the intake of breath with the beating of the heart, Carnelian harmonizes relationships and does more than just bring sexy back - she is the unceasing display of exciting fireworks.
Due to her forgiving nature and gentle but impressive assistance, Carnelian is an excellent stone for stabilizing energy, protecting one against negative energy, and providing awareness of emotions and their relationship to the physical self. Directing energy towards transformation and encouraging growth of potential and unyielding optimism, Carnelian is a powerful ally in guiding those trapped in addictive habits or abusive situations out of their troubles and into the light - if they allow her to.
So how do we harness the generous help this crystal offers? Meditating with and wearing the stone are popular and practiced ways to tap into the crystal energy, but creating elixirs, oils and blends are also powerful and fun. In addition to private rituals, working this alchemy with children or loved ones can be an added dynamic to the Carnelian’s frequency of partnership. Placing the crystal next to herbs and plants in your garden will imbue the elementals with its medicine. Don’t have a garden? Even obtaining one plant that you can form a relationship with and nurture will do. Rosemary is an easy plant to grow and also is a spirit-herb to Carnelian. Find a Carnelian that you love and place it in the pot with your Rosemary. Visualize the warm hues of the Carnelian infusing the roots of your plant with its life-force. See an orange-red aura glow around your plant and acknowledge that your Rosemary IS now Carnelian. When you take and use your sacred herb, you will acknowledge that YOU are now Carnelian. Allow the mysticism and lore of the crystal to permeate your world, as it is your world, and as the message of Carnelian says, realize and recognize the creative truth that you are, and trust in your own ability to manifest the life that you choose.
Carnelian - from Latin “Carnis” for Skin
Form: Chalcedony [Quartz]
Hardness: 7
Astrological Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Taurus, Cancer and Leo
Birthstone: Leo and Virgo
Planets: Venus and Mercury
Vibrates at the number 5
Place(s) of Origin: India, Brazil, Uruguay, Scotland, Washington State
Chakra’s: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus and Heart
Tarot Correspondence: Empress, Emperor, Hierophant, Justice, Suite of Wands
Essential Oils: Cinnamon
Animal Totem: Deer, Fox, Hummingbird,
Elemental: Salamander
Promotes: Courage, vitality, sexuality, passion, awakens talents, stimulates mental clarity and decision making, communication, endurance, fertility
Rejuvenating Sun-Blessing Elixir:
Gather and prepare this recipe during the Waxing Moon phase
- 24 oz Spring Water
- Pinch Organic Ceylon Cinnamon
- Tiny Pinch Organic Himalayan Sea Salt or Celtic Sea Salt
- 1 cup Cedar leaves and/or 1 sprig organic Rosemary
- 1 Organic Orange, sliced with skin on
- Organic Chamomile 1 bunch fresh; 1-2 tbs dried flowers or 2-3 tea bags
- * Polished Carnelian Stone
- Organic raw honey
Combine chamomile, orange, rosemary, Carnelian stone and cedar leaves in a glass container with the Spring Water and allow to set in the Sun for 3-4 hours.
Strain herbs and stone after what is now a Sun Tea is at desired strength
Add Ceylon cinnamon, salt and honey to taste
Stir clockwise three times and envision a golden-white light coming from your third eye into your elixir, infusing it with joy, confidence and love . You can add a simple personal chant if you would like.
Drink with intention - create a ritual for drinking your special elixirs. Find a space to relax in (see some ideas for creating a sacred space here) and as you sip, envision the liquid infusing your physical body with the golden light of the Sun. Note the different tastes and give thanks to the plants and the elements that came together for you.
Thank your herbs and give them back to the earth
Thank your Carnelian and place her where she feels best
* Please note that cedar is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women. Please be sure to research and properly identify if foraging edibles. Know your region and harvesting recommendations. If you decide to use a different pine or conifer, know that Ponderosa, Norfolk Pine and Yew trees are toxic. Cedar leaves are available from many tea sources, including Mountain Rose Herbs. If you are not certain opt out and just use Rosemary.
* Not all crystals are safe to place in food or water. Carnelian is, however make sure that it is a polished stone. As with all small objects, please be sure to remove stone before drinking,
Shanna Lynn is a certified Crystal Alchemist, Faeriologist, Sound Alchemist, Energy Artist, and Reiki 1 and 2 Practitioner. Deeply in tune with the mysteries of the Ancients and a Star-Child herself, her minimalistic, sustainable lifestyle and sacred reverence for the Elementals reflect her beliefs and loving relationship with Nature. Shanna implements crystal energy, vocal healing and Earth Essence into her daily practices and energy sessions, focusing on a holistic lifestyle that honors love and light for all life-forces. She now feels the call to offer her services on a more Universal scale, providing empowerment and Elemental connections to the new generations. Shanna has over three decades of working with faeries, nature, spirits and the stars. She has studied under Doreen Virtue and Antea Rood.
Shanna has been an integral part of the AURA SHOP Team in Santa Monica, CA and resides in the enchanting forest of Ashland, OR where she continues to offer services and host events for the Southern Oregon and Mount Shasta regions. She writes a blog capturing her journey as Mama to her baby daughter, whom she is raising in the mythos of the Wheel of the Year and under the Sacred Priestess oath of Steward of the Earth and will be publishing a children’s book in 2019 titled Song of the Trees as well as a guided meditation/prayer oracle set for children in 2021. Shanna will be in the LA area monthly for special events, workshops and musical performance.
Her newest musical work, described as an “experimental tribal-fantasy love affair of sacred and electronic” is scheduled to be released on July 27, 2018. These songs emulate the teachings and mystical knowledge Shanna has learned from many months spent in the surrounding mountain areas of Oregon and California as well as the influences of her Scottish pagan roots. Dubbed "faerie-viking-electronica," the latest songs are a reflection of the heartbeat of the Great Mother merging with the heart-song of the human longing for sacred sensuality and primal thrills of the authentic voice of ancient magic and mystery.