Every morning I wake up just before the sun rises. I take time to get acquainted with my body as if it is completely new. It’s as if I am waking up straight from the womb with a fresh, pure body. I am grateful for the warmth of my skin and my heart. I am grateful to be human, full of life-force. This time of day is special for me. This is the time of the day where I personally enjoy feeling my access to the abundance of pure, untapped, creative energy inside of me and all around me. We all have a lot of accomplishments, strengths and skills that we have developed over our lifetime. This is where many people often feel comfortable because they are operating out of their strengths. However, we all have a wealth of untapped potential, creativity and life-force. This untapped potential can be felt during your most relaxed and nourished states.
A lot has happened overnight. Metabolic processes. Digestion. Healing. Water is needed for many cellular and biochemical processes. I drink pure, living water that I bottle myself at Mt. Shasta, one of the most potent healing vortexes on the planet located in Northern California. As the water nourishes the cells of my body, I feel more aliveness in every cell. I then tune into my body and my day. I’ll take herbs, do skin brushing, oil pulling, go for a walk if needed. I then make sure I have 2-3 nourishing and balanced meals packed for a long work day.
I spend most of my waking hours “at work.” I will either be at my office treating patients or doing personal work. In either scenario, whether I have the honor of being with a patient or the honor of being with myself, I have a special way that I prepare myself to go “to work” that day. I like to begin by getting an honest baseline of where I am in my development as a person and as a doctor. It always starts with acknowledgement of all the work that I have done up until now. I acknowledge that I wouldn’t be in the position I am in today, with the complex problems that I face, without my personal conviction for continual internal growth. After fully acknowledging myself, I then naturally think of the issues that arise in my daily life. I then choose one thing that feels like my next step to take for the day that will benefit my overall life. I develop a goal for the day, which is usually one conscious discipline that I use that day to train myself to expand my skill sets and awareness.
Right before I step into my office, I remind myself of every unique job that I have given myself. First and foremost, I am responsible for my own energy and life. I take care of Christine first and she is always being taken care of throughout the day. I take full responsibility for my body, thoughts, feelings and actions. I then expect others to take full responsibility for their body, thoughts, feelings and actions. This is how to have an empowered team. It is common for a lot of people to slip up from time to time and expect others to take responsibility for their feelings or actions, but this is something that I discipline myself to not go into agreement with because it leads to both parties being in a position of disempowerment, draining of vital life energy and ultimately resentment. This never has a good outcome. Then I acknowledge my other jobs and their responsibilities— Naturopathic Doctor, Business Owner, Office Manager, Accountant, Colleague, Research Scientist, Innovation Team and work diligently to perform them well.
At the end of the day, I do my best to tie up loose ends and clean up from the day. The last thing I want to do is go to bed with looming unfinished tasks. I acknowledge myself for working hard, learning and being fully committed to my life. I take a few moments where I feel my appreciation for being exactly where I am, just as I am. Goodnight!
Photo Credit: Melissa Rousseau